Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Still Driving to the Shopping Mall ??

Have you checked out the latest in virtual communications like Second Life or Habbo Hotel ??

If not, do it Now !

Interaction btw people, real and artificial is changing . And this was something that happened when you were still trying to master that keyboard.

Virtual worlds are maturing from just gaming and test projects to real world experiences. Today you have worlds that people have created and hangout in. Real estate is being developed in these worlds and is being sold or thounsands of dollars. Business is is being transacted and Cases of virtual social justice are being heard. Yes its true. And as you may still want to close the deal on the prime property at the city centre, its time you gave a serious look at virtual worlds.

So, Why live virtual lives?
Rising cost of gas, busy city lives and just the fact that friends and family are scattered around the country are just of few reasons people will chose to live and perform some activities online. The online shopping experience is still poor and the best sites are still just ok to buy one or two items, but stuff like shopping your groceries is a very poor expeirience in the urrent browser based formats . In virtual worlds the experience is difinitely much richer and natural than its browser conterparts. You can walk into a store, check out the aisles and pick up stuff you want, Take a stroll in the park or Attend a virtual class room.

So What do I do in a Virtual World?
Chk out some of the scenarios here like shopping in a mall, very soon you may have all the biggest brands with full format shops in these virtual worlds. Today You can hangout with your friends at the virtual mall even though you are in SanDiego, California while your firiends are in NewYork or Ohio or Bangalore, India. You can shop real world stuff and get them delivery the same old way.

But is it kids stuff, or Is there some $$$ Real Money ??
Yes there is money, although we are at the very begening of the virtual experience , players like Second life are already seeing 10s of millions of dolloars being exchanged in the virtual worlds.
"SL’s now-thriving economy, currently has an annual gross domestic product of $64 million (U.S. dollars). Residents buy and sell Linden dollars for real money (Linden takes a small cut of all currency exchanges) and can do a brisk business peddling everything from developed real estate to exotic body parts for residents who don’t want to design their own. "- PopSci Magzine

Ok, I still cant go to the Moon, but what are the options for vitrual worlds
Second Life is by far one of the most popular virtual worlds. Habbo Hotel is a vitual hotel but is a 2d experience. ActiveWorlds is similar the SecondLife and is in full 3d.

There are many more examples and we are yet to see big competition in this space. But, watch out! This wave is as big as the web browser. If you run a business/ or are responsible for managing one , you have the option to align or be left out.

Make the choise now .

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Make it your own -Ipod Shuffle Tips and Tricks

Make it your Own - Your Art on Your Shuffle
I bought the shuffle so that I could play some good music with jogging sessions. I had a Sony Walkman sports walkman earlier but the shuffle is much lighter and does not have any moving parts that will stop working. The extreme simplicity of the shuffle just makes you want to modify it.

Ever since I got my new Shuffle I could not help but think of new ways to make it my own. Here is how to make your shuffle showcase your experessions. This method is non destructive , and you can repeat it as may times you like.

What you will need:Clear Tape, a marker pen and a Blade

Step 1 - Cover the Shuffle with clear tape
  • Remove the USB cover
    • Paste clear tape from the usb end to the opposite usb end over the face and back of the shuffle
    • Use a blade to cut out a line around the on/off switch to let it move and a make a small hole in the tape around the headphone socket.
    Step 2 - Draw your stuff
    Draw your art on the shuffle [on clear tape] with any perma-ink marker.
    Step 3- Protect Your Art and the Shuffle
    Paste a second layer of tape over the shuffle.
    Thats it!! your Done. Now, yes show Off, only you have this shuffle on the planet

    I have used only black you may try colors too . and post the results.

    Time taken: 5 Minutes
    Items Required: Clear Tape, Perma Marker, Scissors /Blade
    Benefit: Non-Destructive, Repeat it again with a new art by just peeling off the old tape.
    Caution: I have not removed the tape , I guess when I do it may leave some glue but I am hoping to wash it off with a coth/cotton diped in some soap. So do it at your own risk